first steps in
digital marketing
Steps Towards Making Company Website Successful

"If it's not on the web/internet, then it does not exist at all."
- a common notion accepted by many.

Crazy, right? But people have started doubting the existence of companies that do not have a digital presence. The pace at which the world is going digital is so fast that we have no choice but to accept it and embrace it. We need to adapt to the changes before it's too late.

So we have created the following steps for you to help your company go digital with ease. These steps will ensure that your digital marketing is as integrated as possible from the very beginning. Following these steps will make it easier for you to manage your digital marketing footprint from the very first day. We've also thrown in a few tools as a bonus to help you actually enact the steps.
Let's get started!
Step 1: Setting up your website
"Websites promote you 24/7: no employee will do that."
- Paul Cookson
As of July 2020, almost 4.57 billion people are active Internet users i.e. 59% of the global population. 64% of the small businesses have a website and 81% shoppers research online before purchasing. These data should be reason enough for companies to start a website because you'll be exposing your company to that many people. Website is the internet advertising billboard or a business card for you and your company. Hence, it deserves the best! So how can you make your website the best? or at least take a step towards making it competitive.

First of all, assess the market. You should always understand where the industry that you belong to stands in the digital presence curve. For instance: Clothing industry still hasn't gone fully digital. Dress fitting, trying out clothes before buying is still prevalent. Whereas for grocery retailers, most of them have not just gone digital but have introduced home delivery systems. So it is essential for you to understand where your industry is to strategize as to where your company should be.

Easy ways to access the market: Look at your competitors and see what they are doing. Be observant of the surroundings. Stay updated with the trend. Research, research, research.

Second, your customers should be the focus while creating your website. It isn't about what you want so it is essential to think about what customers want. A lot of tools can help you understand this.

Easy ways to understand customers: Before you build a website, define your customers, who they are, where they are from, and list out all possible platforms where they engage with you before, during, and after sales. This will help you map the entire customer journey.
Learn more: Download a guide / steps to customer journey mapping
59% global population

actively use Internet
64% small businesses

have a website
81% shoppers

research online before purchasing
Start with some simple hypothetical reasoning. For instance: In which platform would your customers search you the most, what interaction with a website look like, if your company is creating a website for retail shopping then maybe you need an active bot to answer customer queries, etc.

With this understanding, remember to create a page with FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Sometimes a page error might occur so make sure that you create a 404 error page. It indicates that the server is reachable but the specific page isn't so the customers can return later.

Customer experience research can also be helpful for a trial and error approach towards perfecting your website. It is always a good idea to ask customers about their experience. Another tool that can be used is data analytics to understand customers' responses to the website. For instance: How many people have visited your website? How long did they spend time on each page?

Finally, before launching you can even run pilot tests with a small focus group of customers. All of these sound expensive, but these are just the easiest and least expensive ways to understand where you should place various buttons, ads, links, and information on your website.

Here is a list of attractive websites for you to learn from.
"In the digital world, delete does not always delete." - Newton Lee
So, it is better to be cautious and safe than sorry.

So with the knowledge about what should be the focus on your mind, let's have a look at some easily available tools to build your website without a developer. But you should have basic knowledge in mind about the URL and protocol for your website (HTTP VS HTTPS), to make your website more secure and reachable. Https is more secure as it transmits data using encrypted connection.

Let's get started!
Step 2: Attractive Content
So, what does it mean by attractive content? Do I decorate the words I write? Obviously not. It's about making the content that you publish appealing to your readers. Like Jay Conrad Levinson said "Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting." The content should be engaging, why? 91% of customers have visited a store because of an online experience.

First of all, content strategy should be in place. Many people can write, they can create content. But take a moment to understand these first:

What content should we create?

Why should we create this content?

Where should we post this content?

If you are in the tourism industry, then probably the answers to the above questions would be: Create a travel vlog/blog because it directly promotes the places you are selling while providing a rich offline customer experience. Platforms best suited to post travel content are YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, where visuals are emphasized.

Second, be mindful of the following. We've prepared a list of do's and don'ts to help make your content attractive.

Always think about how your company is represented online. Be active in platforms that you operate, be loud and audible about your company, try out various collaborations, indulge in both inbound and outbound marketing.

Click here to learn 10 easy ways on how to represent your company online
Step 3: Get the traffic diverted to your website (Using SEO)
61% marketers say that their biggest challenges are generating traffic and leads which is why this step is very important and sensitive to customer flow. The best way to increase quantity and quality of the customer traffic to your website is through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Now, you must be thinking what's quality traffic? Your website does not need attention from the 7.6 billion people in the world. For instance if you are selling apples then you don't want people coming to your website searching for Apple iPhones just because Google suggested them so. You want to attract the right audience in a huge number. Why SEO particularly? Well, 60% consumers begin their product research with a search engine before heading to a particular website.

Bonus: Unusual ways to increase your quality traffic online in 2020
You can get organic search traffic (unpaid) if you pay attention to a few things. The following basics have been laid out to you from a youtube video along with a few tips from our side too.

Words matter (Make sure to put relevant keywords in your website)

Title matter (Search engines pay high attention to page titles to recommend search results)

Links between websites matter (Create network with partners and make sure a lot of links direct audiences to your website)

Words used in links also matter (The words used to link audiences to your company's website should be related to what your company does)

Content matters (Pay attention to making content engaging, keep it unique, try to increase number and quality of links directed to your website)

Picture names matter (If you're uploading an infographics to your website make sure to name it with relevance to the article)

Proofread content, links, and pictures before publishing.

The following infographics summarizes seven steps to successful SEO. Find it here:>>>
Constant refining and improving websites is the key to attracting and retaining customers via website. A 'trial and error' method is the only way to go when it comes to understanding what's best for your customers. So how is it possible? What tells us whether we are in the right path or need to change our way? Website monitoring helps you to test your website for performance. Not just performance, website monitoring can assist you in simple things like alerting you when your site goes offline, or slow. This ultimately affects your ranking in google search results. Website monitoring keeps your customers happy and saves you loss of sales by notifying when and if the page goes unresponsive.

Some of the tools to monitor websites have been listed for you.

You must have noticed that there goes a lot of things into just building websites for your company. There's a lot more to learn. So, for more content on digital marketing for your business subscribe to our monthly newsletter. We also offer free consultation on kick starting your business. [Contact Information]

After successfully making your website, here are 15 ways to find clients online.
Jessica Marshall
Marine Biologist

C "If it's not on the web/internet, then it does not exist at all."

Joseph Smith
Marine biologist
Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water. Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have some species that live in the sea and others that live on land, marine biology classifies species based on the environment rather than on taxonomy. Marine biology differs from marine ecology as marine ecology is focused on how organisms interact with each other and the environment, while biology is the study of the organisms themselves.
Can the ocean save our planet?
Just over a month later, on February 24, 1831, the expedition sighted bare mountain tops through the ocean ice. Biscoe correctly surmised that they were part of a continent and named the area Enderby Land in honour of his patrons. On February 28, a headland was spotted, which Biscoe named Cape Ann; the mountain atop the headland would later be named Mount Biscoe.

Biscoe kept the expedition in the area while he began to chart the coastline, but after a month his and his crews' health were deteriorating. The expedition set sail toward Australia, reaching Hobart, Tasmania in May, but not before two crew members had died from scurvy.
Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water. Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have some species that live in the sea and others that live on land, marine biology classifies species based on the environment rather than on taxonomy. Marine biology differs from marine ecology as marine ecology is focused on how organisms interact with each other and the environment, while biology is the study of the organisms themselves.
Editor-in-Chief — Matt Porter
Editor — Kate Brown
Photographer — Johan Rose
Producer — Amanda Lee
Special thanks to:
the sailors
and the captain